Saturday, November 29, 2008

Artistic Endeavours?

I've been thinking about taking up painting or pottery. I don't mind sewing, however I would rather spend my time creating artistic works that can be admired for generations to come. The daycare is going well, a little hard since it's just myself and mother sometimes to help against seven toddlers. Yikes! Thankfully they love to play with the crafting table and learn nursery rhymes, not to mention eat and sleep. Thank goodness for nap time :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


This endless cycle of cooking, cleaning, feeding the family, cooking, cleaning, feeding the family...I love it! I love caring for the twins and preparing for the holiday season so much! Grex and I have discussed having another child. We decided not to not try...if that makes sense. Basically whatever happens...happens.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sewing Herilooms

My days are numbered, I know it. Thankfully while there is still life in me, I will try to leave herilooms for my family. I am working on a teddy bear for the children and I would love to sew a nice simple dress for Ginger, however I am not sure it will be a nice heriloom.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Learning about our children

The twins are so precious to us. They seem to enjoy the little crafting table, but not as much as I hoped they would. Mother wants to try taking them outside to roam the farm and play with the ladybugs and butterflies, but it's so cold out there that I would worry about thier health. I wish we had a fireplace, that would be nice to have on these cold winter days. A nice warm toasty fireplace.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Birthday Wishes

The twins celebrated thier birthday. We didn't have a party, but a few cakes and some noise makers for the family. Both children got our thick brown hair, which was expected and already they both love to be read to. It's amazing how much they resemble Ginger and I. Ginger has been hinting about having another baby. I wouldn't mind, but knowing her genes, and mine, we would probably have another set of twins. I have to email my sister, Grigia, photos of the twins.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Wow, having babies in the house again is a strange feeling. I'm an old pro at it, after all I had five children including two sets of twins, but hearing thier giggles and cries during bathtime is still new and different. Soon they will celebrate thier birthday and then we'll have toddlers crawling about our feet.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Young Love

Matthew and I share a love that is still young, though our bones are weakening and our bodies become older, our love is everlasting, though we must remember that the children are watching!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I want to try a new recipe for stuffed rainbow trout. I have been gathering recipes in preperation for Christmas, can you believe it's so close! Just two more simdays and it will be here! I need to start decorating, I told Grex that he should sell Christmas decor, especially trees and wreaths, to residents so that they can prepare.
O, I burned the trout, which was a shame since we only had one and the pond has frozen over so I can't try the recipe again until spring :(

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Ventures

I had to change Jadhira 's duties since the new technology came out, I don't need a cashier, however she told me that she's a talented florist, so I will keep her on to arrange flowers. Right now the inventory is low, but she said that she would bring items from home to supplament the inventory. I gave her a little section of the market so customers know where to find the flowers.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sewing Room

The children built a small alcove for me to but my sewing machine in. Now I can sew undistrubed. I fear for the future of the Homemaker's Society. The current president, Carmela, is getting a little snobby to put it nicely. With her family's networth increasing she wants to do more "cultural" things in the society. No more lunch swaps, but more concerts and theater shows. Hmph, maybe she isn't the best president for the job after all.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Winter has come

Winter is here and I found a nice warm woolen skirt and shirt to wear. Mother laughed and said it looked like prarie wear, but what can I say. I am more of a farmer's wife than a superstar actress's granddaughter. I can not afford to purchase designer elements nor are the comfortable for the tasks about the farm. I didn't spend my years in english boarding schools or travel the world, so this woolen skirt will do just fine!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hmm, now what?

My term is almost up and the bank doesn't need a teller thanks to the new technology, so I am wondering if I should look for another job. The president wants me to stay at the centre and work as the bank manager, selling bonds and saving accounts, but I'm not too sure. Maybe something else...

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Trying to rush to harvest all the produce. The pond has frozen over, a clear indication of the coming frost and I must get the produce out before it freezes. The fruit trees will soon go dormant and then we will need to construct the greenhouse and start planting for the next crop. Thankfully my father-in-law is still helping, I think that once the twins get older they can help as well. But they're still too young now.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I visited the Medical Centre to pick up some medicine for the twins and also to look at the balloons. The Homemaker's Society has decided to give each family, upon the death of a family member, a bunch of balloons and a freshly cooked meal along with a few hours of cleaning. My job was to shop for balloons, so I brought a few extras as well.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Final Food Expo

The Food Expo has come to an end and what a magical time it has been. I was honored to make the annoucement about our expansion to Apple Valley Metro and answer any last minute questions.
I wonder if I will be around to see the next Food Expo. Ginger has been hinting at another child, but I think two is the perfect number. The world was made for families of four.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Overrated Juice

I decided to try the new juicer since I had a few pieces of produce that couldn't be packaged so I made some juice. It was ok, I don't like the face that so much produce only makes a single serving of juices, so we probably won't be using the juicer anytime soon.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Changes Ahead

The hood is slowly being replaced by the younger generation. I have no doubts that they can manage it, but already so many changes. Automatic cash registers even! I made sure that sims would not have to worry about unemployment, so I feel confident now. I spoke with the future Medical Director, he was with the Explorer group fishing. It was interesting to hear his goals and dreams for the Centre-especially since I will use it more as I age. I've been spending more time with Grex in the fields, the harvest arrived fast and furious, so we are working to gather everything. I feel like my days are numbered and I don't like it.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I am harvesting as fast as I can before the frost destroys the plants. With the Food Expo lectures and mingling with residents, I think that I will install a greenhouse. I will not have to worry about pests and can grow crops year-round. Of course that will take funding, so hopefully we will get the Chamber of Commerce prize this simday.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Food Expo

The Food Expo is wrapping up, but I've enjoyed it so very much! I brought a nectar bar for the kitchen so that I can continue my culinary studies.
O! I am starting a daycare-once the twins become toddlers of course. Since Grex is going to build a greenhouse, I will take over the lower protion of the barn for the daycare. A few toys, some sleeping mats and there-a daycare!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Chilly Winter

Winter is breathing down the back of our necks and I am aging even more. Ginger decided to redecorate the living area, I admit it, I like the more contemporary style-it reminds me of when we lived in Greymount and the house was decorated in an Art Deco style. Wow, how far we have fallen. No longer are we living in a large mansion with awards surrounding us, but we're in a farm...a farm!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Proud Papa

Proud papa! That's me! Two healthy babies joined our family and I can't believe that I'm a father! I must work even harder now to provide for my family with the little ones now here.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'm a Mom!

I am a mother..of twins! Which isn't a surprise since I am a twin, Grex is a twin and mother is a twin. We named the babies Byrant (after my grandfather-Byrant Pierce) and Annie (Grex chose that name).
Now, we have diapers and feedings to do.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


The babies are finally here, poor Ginger had been walking around with the largest belly and cravings for cheesecake and chips and dip platters. Thankfully those days are behind her...for the moment.

I am a grandmother, Byrant and Annie, such lovely babies.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sunny Vacation

I think that the family should take a nice vacation during the dead of winter to the sunny beach. It would be good for our health to get some sun. Perhaps even add fuel to Cassandra and I's romance. Or maybe we should wait until the twins are older.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Simoleans and Shopping

Grex said that I could go shopping for some new clothing and even some items for our nursery. Yes, didn't I say. Father picked up some items for the nursery. Such the cutest crib and such. I love it. But I will need some maternity clothing soon. Mum is going to help me pick out a few things. Maybe we could have a massage as well. That would be nice.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Future of Homemaker's Society

I want to be like my mom, but happier of course. I want to be the leader of the Homemaker's Society. I could lead cleaning sessions and have a meal swap or picnics, that would be cool. Right now I must be content as a member since Carmela is the leader. She is a good leader and her home is so big.
We're planting crops-well, Grex is planting crops while I ready the house. I have decided to help clean houses on the island. I will offer my services for a minimum fee and on certain days I will clean houses. I think it's a good way to bring in some extra simoleans for something I love to do!
Grex and I visited the Green Tables for a couple's night out. It was fun seeing the residents again and meeting the new resident. Everyone is very curious about her, but she is so nice and outgoing. I think that she shall do well here.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Talking School

I ran into the Education Director today at the gift shop. We chatted about the pain of both of our wives being pregnant-the messy toliets, sensative moods and strange cravings. It was good to have another man to talk to about these things. I love Ginger, I do and I am so excited about the new baby on its way, gets hard.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Pregnant and so happy

I'm pregnant and we're so happy! I've been telling everyone! Even the guests at Fiona's Bridal Shower! Mum and dad moved out of the main house and into the barn (there's a loft in the barn that they converted to a bedroom and they added a bathroom as well) to free up thier old room in the main house. Eventually we will have to build an addition to the main house-there are only two bedrooms and we want two children...I suppose they could share a room, but once they get teenagers they may want thier own space-especially if they're oft he opposite sex...I wonder if we'll have twins. I'm a twin and Grex is a twin. That would be interesting to have twins.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Time Alone

I had to get away from the house. The smell of the soil was sickening instead of it's usual sweet smell. The honeybees were driving me crazy and I didn't want to open the market. Instead I went to the Green Tables for a few hands on the card tables. It was actually a little bit crowded, which was odd. I guess everysim had the same idea. Well, with the lack of entertainment options-the Green Tables is pretty much the only place to go.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Blessed Harvest Day

The Blessed Harvest Festival will be held at the Farmer's Market for a few house. I have installed a food competition area at the market and rearranged some booths to make room for the festival. I need to transport a lecture booth for the lecture, but other than that things will be fine. There are pot holders and veggies and fruit and honey and turkey and fish for sale. Hopefully we'll get a little income from the event.

Friday, March 21, 2008


With the upcoming election I will have to give up my post as Financial Director. That would be fine if there were lots of candidates, but thus far, it's been quiet. Lots of sims have declared candidancy for the Community Director position, but only a few have indicated interest in the Financial Director position. I think I'll poll the business owners and see who's interested.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ginger is Finally Married

I say finally, but she's the first of our three daughters to marry and she might be the only one. Marilyn has went off exploring the world and she maintains that she's not the least bit interested in men. Hazel Starr has moved to Bottom Beach to be closer to work opportunities and her modeling contract. Thank goodness for that, otherwise she would simply be adrift without a job. She and Etta Leigh are sharing an apartment, for the time being, but the modeling keeps her busy while she looks for more acting opportunities.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Married Woman

Finally I am a woman. A married woman! The wedding was nice, very simple. And I think I'm pregnant! How wonderful! Soon there will be a baby...perhaps. I haven't been feeling very well and all I seem to think about is babies and baby stuff. Mom is helping Grex with the market by preparing turkey dinners. I am studying under her, learning to cook and she's teaching me some cleaning tips as well. Things are going wonderful!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Rain and Farming

Thank goodness, there is some rain, there was fear that it would be snow. Ginger came to the market for a visit. She helped cleaned up a bit and gave me some lunch so I wouldn't starve during my working days. She's doing well with her side business of cleaning homes. She cleans the Kent house twice a simweek, I think she sometimes prepares meals for the family and puts them in the freezer for them. I can't imagine coming home to a meal in the freezer to eat. Ginger and her mother spoil me with fresh food each evening after a long day at the market or in the fields.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Daughter Married and I Feel Old

Ginger is a married woman and by the looks (and sounds) of things, I might be a grandfather soon. I feel so old. Our youngest is a married woman, but she's still my little girl. Where has the time gone?

Married Man

I have finally married the love of my life. Who would've thought that I would land the girl ^_^

Ginger and I married at the centre and had tarts afterwards. We then enjoyed a brief honeymoon at the house, maybe later we can travel-during the winter when the crops are dead. Right now, it's important that I take care of the produce. I already had to order from other farmer's thier produce for the hood. Eventually we will be the sole source of food stuffs on the island.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


I have a job, I feel like a failure, but mother said that it is important for me to work outside the home as a teen to prepare for working within the home as an adult.

I know that it's mostly because we need the simoleans, but I don't like it.

I'm a server and I can't serve! I get the orders confused, drop plates on the customers and come home smelling like spices.


I'm not sure I'm up for this whole dating thing. Tobi and I went skating, which was awesome, I loved racing around the rink-even though I fell several times.
However, after skating-he wanted to slow dance-yuck. I couldn't stand having his hands on me and he kept trying to get closer to me.
It's not that he's not a great guy, but...well...he's a guy. I'm not sure that I'm too much into guys if you know what I mean. I wonder how I could tell him that-gee, I'm not too much into you right now since, well, you're a guy.

I got a new job, no more pumping gas downtown. I now work in the Apple Valley Welcome Center's Gift Shop. I'm a cashier and when I become an adult, I will start leading tours.