Friday, March 21, 2008


With the upcoming election I will have to give up my post as Financial Director. That would be fine if there were lots of candidates, but thus far, it's been quiet. Lots of sims have declared candidancy for the Community Director position, but only a few have indicated interest in the Financial Director position. I think I'll poll the business owners and see who's interested.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ginger is Finally Married

I say finally, but she's the first of our three daughters to marry and she might be the only one. Marilyn has went off exploring the world and she maintains that she's not the least bit interested in men. Hazel Starr has moved to Bottom Beach to be closer to work opportunities and her modeling contract. Thank goodness for that, otherwise she would simply be adrift without a job. She and Etta Leigh are sharing an apartment, for the time being, but the modeling keeps her busy while she looks for more acting opportunities.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Married Woman

Finally I am a woman. A married woman! The wedding was nice, very simple. And I think I'm pregnant! How wonderful! Soon there will be a baby...perhaps. I haven't been feeling very well and all I seem to think about is babies and baby stuff. Mom is helping Grex with the market by preparing turkey dinners. I am studying under her, learning to cook and she's teaching me some cleaning tips as well. Things are going wonderful!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Rain and Farming

Thank goodness, there is some rain, there was fear that it would be snow. Ginger came to the market for a visit. She helped cleaned up a bit and gave me some lunch so I wouldn't starve during my working days. She's doing well with her side business of cleaning homes. She cleans the Kent house twice a simweek, I think she sometimes prepares meals for the family and puts them in the freezer for them. I can't imagine coming home to a meal in the freezer to eat. Ginger and her mother spoil me with fresh food each evening after a long day at the market or in the fields.