Thursday, October 30, 2008

Learning about our children

The twins are so precious to us. They seem to enjoy the little crafting table, but not as much as I hoped they would. Mother wants to try taking them outside to roam the farm and play with the ladybugs and butterflies, but it's so cold out there that I would worry about thier health. I wish we had a fireplace, that would be nice to have on these cold winter days. A nice warm toasty fireplace.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Birthday Wishes

The twins celebrated thier birthday. We didn't have a party, but a few cakes and some noise makers for the family. Both children got our thick brown hair, which was expected and already they both love to be read to. It's amazing how much they resemble Ginger and I. Ginger has been hinting about having another baby. I wouldn't mind, but knowing her genes, and mine, we would probably have another set of twins. I have to email my sister, Grigia, photos of the twins.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Wow, having babies in the house again is a strange feeling. I'm an old pro at it, after all I had five children including two sets of twins, but hearing thier giggles and cries during bathtime is still new and different. Soon they will celebrate thier birthday and then we'll have toddlers crawling about our feet.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Young Love

Matthew and I share a love that is still young, though our bones are weakening and our bodies become older, our love is everlasting, though we must remember that the children are watching!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I want to try a new recipe for stuffed rainbow trout. I have been gathering recipes in preperation for Christmas, can you believe it's so close! Just two more simdays and it will be here! I need to start decorating, I told Grex that he should sell Christmas decor, especially trees and wreaths, to residents so that they can prepare.
O, I burned the trout, which was a shame since we only had one and the pond has frozen over so I can't try the recipe again until spring :(

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Ventures

I had to change Jadhira 's duties since the new technology came out, I don't need a cashier, however she told me that she's a talented florist, so I will keep her on to arrange flowers. Right now the inventory is low, but she said that she would bring items from home to supplament the inventory. I gave her a little section of the market so customers know where to find the flowers.