Saturday, February 21, 2009

Busy Season

Resar 2000
The harvest season is here and I've been busy gathering crops. The twins have been helping as much as they can by watering the plants and helping me bait the hook for our small pond. Ginger is pregnant again, so we are looking into renovating the farm and adding additional rooms. Part of me wants to give up this back breaking work and settle in a small house and get a 9-5 job like the other sims, but then...I know I will miss the smell of dirt under my fingernails.
Thankfully the twins still see this work as fun. Ginger found them some nice work clothes, so now they can help in the fields without fear of getting pretty clothes spoiled and dirty. The market is doing well. We still sell fresh produce and fish, floral arrangements and hand crafted potholders and quilts. With the flood of tourists coming to the island looking for that small town charm as they call it, our items have been leaving the shelves quickly.

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